We are UI labs
UI labs is one of the leading IT service providers and software developers for front office solutions, data management and reporting solutions in the financial industry. We develop IT solutions for institutional clients, asset managers and family offices in the DACH region. With our ecosystem flowsuite ©, we are one of the leading software and consulting companies in the industry.
Our vision - what we stand for
Our vision is to continuously develop our core components Front Office, Data Warehouse, Risk Management and Reporting in order to advance the digitalization of the industry. Our software is a recognized key element of daily success in businesses. We design individual and flexible solutions that make everyday work easier.
Since our founding in 2009, we have managed a mid-three-digit number of individual projects in the various divisions.
Universal-Investment Group
Integration of UI labs into the Universal Investment Group.
Launch of UI labs flowsuite©
flowsuite ® offers a wide range of modular products and solutions.
Optimization of a program for easy adaptation to other languages and cultures.
Launch SmartOrder
SmartOrderis a web-based application within flowsuite® that enables simple order transmission to the front office.
Our entire investment process is highly automated and efficient through the seamless integration of third-party partners.
„As EB-SIM, we always think and act in the interests of our customers. They rightly make particularly high demands. This applies to the selection of suitable sustainable investments as well as to transparent and meaningful reporting. Our ability to reliably process large volumes of data and at the same time react quickly to market developments is crucial. Modern digital solutions such as those from UI labs support us in meeting the justified expectations of our customers.“
„We are pleased to join the UI labs partner network. The infrastructure offering of UI labs perfectly complements the services of Steubing AG. This allows us to offer our institutional clients and asset managers not only transparent best execution, but also a holistic setup from the investment decision to the final booking and reporting. In compliance with all regulatory requirements across all asset classes and at the highest technical level.“
"Together with our IT service provider UI labs, we have developed a web-based application for our asset managers.
With the SmartOrder solution, the entire order process can be significantly simplified and automated with our trading platform."
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Sustainability at UI labs
As a member of the UI Group, UI labs takes a holistic approach to sustainability:
UI labs takes seriously its corporate responsibility to our investors, employees, shareholders, business partners, and environmental, social, and governance obligations.
UI labs assumes social responsibility. The relevant legal framework and internal guidelines must be consistently observed in all business decisions. We regard our reputation and the trust of our customers as valuable assets.
Our actions are derived from the values anchored in our mission statement.
Management is committed to aligning all of our business activities in a way that is sustainable and valuable to the communities in which we live, to our environment, and to the employees of UI labs.
UI labs is part of the UI Group and integrated into its sustainability activities. The UI Group is actively committed to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). This voluntary commitment developed by the United Nations aims to give greater consideration to environmental, social and corporate governance factors when making investment decisions. Comprehensive information on this can be found at: https://www.universal-investment.com/Corporate/Sustainability/
As part of the UI Group, we are integrated into the Group-wide risk management system for human rights and environmental violations along our supply chains in accordance with the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz). Publications such as the complaints rules of procedure can be found here.
Merry Christmas and a good start to the New Year!
Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year! The entire UI labs team would like to thank all our partners, customers and friends for an
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Partnership with 360T
Partnership with 360T With flowsuite®, we want to create the best possible solutions for our customers. That is why we have expanded our partner
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Partnership with adesso & WEPEX
Partnership with adesso & WEPEX With flowsuite®, we want to create the best possible solutions for our customers. That is why we have expanded
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